Bhai Dooj 2023: Know the date, timings, puja vidhi and more!

The bond between a brother and a sister is incomparable. It’s a unique bond where there are times when they have silly fights and often tease each other, but in times of need, they are always present for each other. They may not show it, but their love for each other is very strong, and their bond is everlasting. India is regarded as the land of festivals; two festivals in the country are dedicated to the lovely brother-sister bond.

Bhai Dooj is the festival dedicated to the pure love and affection between brothers and sisters. It’s one of the most loved occasions in India, celebrated with great enthusiasm and zeal amongst the siblings. 

On this occasion, sisters invite their brothers for a sumptuous meal, apply tika to their forehead, and pray to the gods associated with this festival for their brother’s well-being. 

In this blog, we will discuss in detail how Bhai Dooj is celebrated in India, Bhai Dooj puja vidhi, and the essentials for the celebrations. Keep reading below to know! 

When is Bhai Dooj 2023?

When is Bhai Dooj 2023?

Bhai Dooj falls on the last day of the five-day-long Diwali celebrations. Bhai Dooj is observed on the second lunar day of the Shukla Paksha of the Kartiya month as per the Hindu calendar or two days after Diwali. This year, this festival will be observed on 15th November, Wednesday.

Bhai Dooj 2023 timings  

Many people believe in celebrating certain festivals at auspicious times. The Bhai dooj 2023 timings are as follows: 

Bhai Dooj 2023 tithi begins – 04:06 AM, 14th November 

Bhai Dooj 2023 tithi ends – 03:17 AM, 15th November

Bhai Dooj samagri or essentials for the vidhi

Every festival in India is celebrated by following different rituals and customs across different states. Not following the rituals of any certain festival loses its charm. To celebrate this festival with your brother with the traditional customs, first, it’s important to know what the Bhai Dooj essentials you need for the ceremony. 

Mauli threads – A mauli thread is essential to the Bhai Dooj celebrations. In the Hindu religion, the mauli thread is considered very auspicious and provides good energy to the wearer. Like the rakhi thread, a mauli thread wards off the negative energies that may surround your brother. 

Roli and chawal – at the beginning of the the Bhai Dooj ceremony, you must apply tika on your brother’s forehead. You will need roli or vermillion with rice, akshat, or Chandan for this. 

Sweets or dry fruits – Like Raksha Bandhan, sisters also offer something sweet to eat after doing their aarti. So, get your brother’s favorite Bhai Dooj sweets or dry fruits for the occasion. You can choose from rasgulla, kheer, kaju katli, soan papdi, etc. 

Rice flour seat – You will also need rice flour to make a square-shaped seat made out of flour for your brother. According to the customs, brothers must sit in the square-shaped seat for the tika ceremony. 

A puja thali – A puja thali is essential for all puja ceremonies in Hindu religion. Even in Bhai Dooj, a puja thali is required where you place all the items required for the ceremony. The aarti of your brother will also be done with the lit diya on this puja thali. 

Dried coconut – You will also need a dried coconut for the Bhai Dooj vidhi. According to the rituals, sisters offer dried coconuts to their brothers after the tika ceremony. 

A diya and a lamp – A diya is needed to do the aarti of your brother and a small lamp is placed in the south direction for the Bhai tika ceremony. 

Bhai Dooj gifts for brothers – Giving gifts to each other is also part of the Bhai Dooj celebrations. Sisters choose the best Bhai Dooj gifts for brothers, and brothers, on the other hand, choose return gifts for sisters. 

How is Bhai Dooj celebrated?

Let’s see the rituals and customs of celebrating Bhai Dooj or Bhai tika!

  • Brothers and sisters wake up early in the morning. The sisters get bathed and dressed in new and ethnic attire for the festival. They start preparing for the puja and decorate their puja thali with all the essentials, such as roli chawal, sweets, diyas, etc. 

  • The sisters then prepare the square seat where their brother is seated for the tilak ceremony. The sisters then apply the roli chawal on their brothers’ foreheads and place the dried coconut or betel leaves, sugar or black grams, etc., in their hands. She then chants the mantras and prays for the longevity and well-being of their brothers. 

  • Sisters then do the aarti of their brothers with a lit diya on the puja thali. The younger touches the feet of the elder brother or sister as a mark of respect. Then, the brothers and sisters exchange Bhai dooj gifts

  • Usually, the brothers visit their sisters’ homes for the ceremony. The sister also prepares a delicious meal for her brother. 

Those who don’t have a brother also celebrate Bhai Dooj but in a unique way. They worship and offer prayers to the Chandra Dev or the Moon. If your brother cannot visit you during this festival, you can pray to the Chandra Dev for your brother’s long life, success, and happiness. 

This is how brothers and sisters usually celebrate Bhai Dooj in India. Since our country has diverse cultures in different corners, Bhai Dooj is also celebrated as unique in different regions and known by names such as Bhaubeej, Bhai Phonta, Bhai tika, etc. For example, in the states of Bihar and UP, the sister curses their brothers and then pricks her tongue as a punishment. 

Bhai Dooj celebrations are not only limited to India. The festival is also widely celebrated in Nepal. Bhai Dooj in Nepal is called Bhai Tihar. Sisters apply a long seven-color tika to their brother’s forehead. They also offer prayers to Lord Yamraj, the god of justice and death, for the long life of their brothers.

Why is Bhai Dooj celebrated?  

Many stories suggest how and why Bhai Dooj was celebrated in India. One popular story people believe is the reason for celebrating this festival is of Lord Yama and Yamuna. 

According to the story, Yamuna was Lord Yama’s sister. She insisted his brother visit her once, but he could not. Lord Yama finally decided to pay his sister a visit on the second day of the Shukla Paksha in the Kartika month. 

Yamuna grandly greeted her brother. She applied tilak on her brother’s forehead and offered him sweets. She had also prepared a delicious meal for him. This gesture touched Yamaraj that he asked his sister to wish for anything, and he would fulfill it. Yama then asked her brother to give a boon to any brother who visits his sister on this day and eats the food prepared by his sister. He would be granted a long and wealthy life. And, since this day, Bhai Dooj is celebrated every year by brothers and sisters. 

There’s another sister who suggests why Bhai Dooj is celebrated after Diwali. In this story, Lord Krishna visited his sister Subhadra after slaying the demon Narakasura. When the Lord returned home, his sister welcomed him, celebrated his victory by lighting ghee diyas, and adorned the home with flowers. 

Subhadra then applied tilak to Lord Krishna’s forehead and prayed for his long life and happiness. And since this day, the Bhai Dooj festival has been celebrated across India. 

And these were all the essential information related to the Bhai Dooj festival, one of the most eagerly awaited occasions when sisters pray for their brothers long life and gifts are exchanged.

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