How to make a handmade Rakhi at home for your brother

How to make a handmade Rakhi at home for your brother?

Raksha Bandhan is around the corner, and siblings have already started planning to surprise their brothers and sisters on this special occasion of siblinghood. While people shop and look for the best gifts to present to their siblings on Raksha Bandhan, there is nothing better than a handmade Rakhi for Raksha Bandhan.

Handmade things have their own charm and an emotional touch that makes them beautiful and gives them a soul. This Raksha Bandhan, tie a handmade Rakhi to your brother and show him how much you love him. Instead of looking for that perfect Rakhi for your brother, bring your ideas and expectations to life by creating a Rakhi on your own.

We will help you with a step-by-step guide to making a simple yet beautiful handmade Rakhi for your brother that is super easy to make at home.

Material needed for handmade Rakhi

    1. A base of a soft cloth and paper to stick all the decoration
    2. Silk thread, ribbon, or embroidery floss in the color of your choice
    3. Decorative beads, sequins, or stones of your choice
    4. Scissors
    5. Fevicol
    6. Marker
    7. Needle
    8. Essential oil for fragrance (optional)

A step-by-step guide to making handmade Rakhi

  1. Have an idea in your mind about what type of Rakhi you want. You can select your Rakhi design from the internet or take inspiration from all the designs you have seen on Raksha Bandha. According to that, if you need more material to add to your inventory to make a handmade Rakhi, do that, or else you will have to run here and there while making the Rakhi in search of the missing items.
  2. Take the paper and the cloth and cut the shape and size of the Rakhi you want to tie to your brother. It can be round, square, or any other unique shape you like. Do that with the help of a marker to ensure the shape is not spoilt with a free hand drawing or cutting.
  3. Now, cut the silk thread or ribbon according to the wrist size of your brother. Make sure to have enough thread length so it can be easily tied.
  4. Next up, thread the needle and sew the silk cloth on the piece of soft cardboard for decoration. Make sure the silk cloth is bigger than the cardboard so that the ends can be secured properly and the cardboard doesn’t show up from the sides of the silk cloth.
  5. Now is the time to be creative and add all the decorative elements you want to your Rakhi. Take out all the beads, pearls, mirrors, and stones. Then arrange them over the silk cloth in any pattern or design you like. Consider using colors more significant to Raksha Bandhan, such as red or gold.
  6. Once you’ve added all the decorative elements, secure them by applying glue or fevicol at their base. Make sure the glue is strong enough to keep them in place until you tie it to your brother’s wrist.
  7. After all the material dries, it’s time to stick the thread at the back of the Rakhi. While doing so, make sure to measure the thread from both ends so that you can leave even measures of it at either side of the Rakhi. Uneven threads will look off and might create problems in tying the Rakhi on your brother’s wrist.
  8. Lastly, trim any excess silk thread and cut the thread ends diagonally to create a neat finish. Ensure the cloth or thread doesn’t have any loose thread coming out, giving the Rakhi an untidy look.

Now, your homemade Rakhi is ready to be tied to your brother’s wrist. You can make a different Rakhi with different styles where you don’t have to use any particular shape. Add your favorite beads in a thread and make a homemade bracelet Rakhi using two products.

It will be a simple and unique pearl Rakhi that your brother will love the most as it will depict your love for him that you created with hard work.

Tips and tricks for handmade Rakhi

Here are some great tips to follow while making a handmade Rakhi at home for your brother:

  1. Always have an idea about the design. Before you start, you must know how you want your Rakhi to look.
  2. Take the measurements properly. Whether it’s the shape’s size at the center of the thread that you will stick beneath your Rakhi, always take proper measurements to avoid redoing everything due to wrong measurements.
  3. Make sure everything is properly glued, and nothing comes off before the homemade Rakhi serves its purpose. Let everything dry properly, and keep the homemade Rakhi in a safe space so that it stays safe and unbothered.
  4. Your brother will love to have a Rakhi made by you, so make sure it’s durable. Create it so that nothing comes off easily, and your brother can wear the Rakhi for some time to feel your love and feelings for him.
  5. Select the suitable material for Rakhi making. From good quality silk to beads, threads, and even effective glue, use everything of the best quality to ensure you craft the best homemade Rakhi for your brother.

What can you pair with your homemade Rakhi to make it wholesome?

If you think your homemade Rakhi needs a companion to have an even better effect on your brother during Raksha Bandhan, then here are a few things you can pair it with to make Raksha Bandhan more special for your brother:

  1. Handmade Rakhi with a handwritten note: Whether it’s a handmade Rakhi or a handwritten note, any gift showing effort and hard work is priceless. So, gift your brother a handwritten note along with the handmade Rakhi. Write down sweet childhood memories, talk about how much he means to you, and thank him for his love, support, and understanding.
  2. Handmade Rakhi with chocolates: Chocolates are the best thing to pair up with something special. And there’s nothing more special than a handmade Rakhi for Raksha Bandhan celebration. So, gift your brother chocolates and the Rakhi you especially made for him and see his delightful reaction.
  3. Handmade Rakhi with sweets: Festivals are incomplete without traditional sweets. If you know your brother’s favorite sweet, order it and gift him a box of his favorite traditional sweet along with the Rakhi you made for him. This will make Raksha Bandhan celebrations sweeter for you and him.
  4. Handmade Rakhi with personalized gifts: To give a more personal touch to your celebrations, give a personalized gift to your brother along with the handmade Rakhi. The ritual of Rakhi tying also includes gifts exchanged with each other. This year, give your brother a personalized mug, cushion, or photo frame with the handmade Rakhi and celebrate a customized Raksha Bandhan. To complete the look, you can add your favorite photo to the personalized item with a heartfelt quote. Your brother will love it, so do try!
  5. Handmade Rakhi with handmade greeting card: Last but not least, one of the things that will perfectly suit your handmade Rakhi is a handmade greeting card. When your brother gets everything made by you on Raksha Bandhan, he will feel lucky to have a sensitive and caring sister like you. Make a beautiful handmade card and pair it with your handmade Rakhi to gift to your brother on Raksha Bandhan. He will be overjoyed to see your efforts.

These are some of the best ways to pair up your handmade Rakhi with gifts that will enhance your Rakhi’s charm. Follow everything you like without hesitation and surprise your brother with a wholesome Raksha Bandhan gift.


Raksha Bandhan is around the corner, and siblings are looking for the best and unique ways for a joyful festive celebration. If you are also looking for the best way to celebrate Raksha Bandhan with your sibling, follow the above ideas. They will help you discover new ways of surprising your sibling.

Don’t forget to make a beautiful handmade Rakhi for your brother with all the steps and details mentioned above. To order a unique Rakhi for your brother to your doorstep, visit and place your order. Stay tuned for more details on Raksha Bandhan, Raksha Bandhan gift ideas, and much more.

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